Manual Coil Winding Machine | Sigva | Sigmaa | SigNatt with Accessories

(10 customer reviews)


Sigva/SigNatt/Sigmaa Manual Coil Winding Machine 1/10 offers you the best quality Coil Winding Machine in India—Inside Gear Sets of this Coil Winding Machine Fitted With Pure Stainless Steel. With a Stainless Steel Gear Set, The Life Of This Coil Machine is Increased. This Coil Winding Machine Counts 10 Readings in 1 Round.

  • SIGVA/SigNatt/Sigmaa Coil Winding Machine
  • Fitted With Pure Stainless Steel Gears
  • Built For All Types of Motor Winding Coils
  • Coil Winding Machine Buy 
  • Fitted With Steel Gear Set
  • Ceiling Fan Coil Winding.
  • Table Fan Coil Winding Machine.
  • Cooler Motor Coil Machine.
  • Transformer Winding Machine.
  • 1/10 Coil Winding Machine
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What is a Manual Coil Winding Machine?

A manual coil winding machine is a device used to create coils of ant Types With wire for various applications. Unlike its automated counterparts, this machine requires human operation, offering a hands-on approach to winding wire onto a motor core.

The foundation of any manual coil winding machine is its sturdy base and frame. These provide stability and support during the winding process. The spindle holds the wire spool and rotates to wind the wire onto the core.

These are the simplest form of coil winders, operated by turning a coil machine handle by hand. They are ideal for small-scale projects and hobbyists.

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Sigva Manual Coil Winding Machine

Sigva Manual Coil Winding Machine  1/10 offers you the best quality Coil Winding Machine in India—Inside Gear Sets of this Coil Winding Machine Fitted With Pure Stainless Steel. With a Stainless Steel Gear Set, The Life Of This Coil Machine is Increased. This Coil Winding Machine Counts 10 Readings in 1 Round.

Sigva Coil Winding Machine Inside Pure Stainless Steel Gears

Sigva 1/10 Coil Machine Comes With A Best Quality Counter Meter, 2 Set Motor Winding Farma, Motor Winding Farma Patti, T-Patti, Nylon Gear Sets. With The Help Of this coil Machine, you can easily Make a 1hp Motor up to 10 HP motors.

सिगवा 1/10 कॉइल मशीन एक बेहतरीन क्वालिटी के काउंटर मीटर, 2 सेट मोटर वाइंडिंग फार्मा, मोटर वाइंडिंग फार्मा पट्टी, टी-पट्टी, नायलॉन गियर सेट के साथ आती है। इस कॉइल मशीन की मदद से आप आसानी से 1 एचपी मोटर से लेकर 10 एचपी मोटर तक बना सकते हैं।

 👉 Coil Winding Machine Accesries

👉 कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ क्या अक्केसोरिएस आयेगी?

      #1 Coil Winding Machine Counter Machine.

दोस्तों कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ सबसे पहले आपको काउंटर मीटर दिया जाता है जो कि आपकी कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन के राउंड को अकाउंट करने के काम आता है खाने से भाव है कि अगर आप किसी भी प्रकार की मोटर की वाइंडिंग के कवाल बनाते हैं तो उसकी टर्न को काउंट करने में काउंटर मी ही काम आता है जय काउंटर मी आपकी कवाल वाइंडिंग मशीन के राउंड को अकाउंट करता है.

coil winding machine counter meterPin

coil winding machine counter meter

Friends, first of all with the coil winding machine, you are given a counter meter which is used to count the rounds of your coil winding machine. This means that if you make a coil of winding of any type of motor, then a counter is used to count its turns. This counter counts the rounds of your coil winding machine.

इस  काउंटर मीटर को आप रिवर्स फॉरवर्ड दोनों साइड पर रही घूम सकते हो और काउंटर मीटर में राइट साइड में लगे स्विच की मदद से आप टर्न को जीरो पर दोबारा से सेट कर सकते हो.


#2 Motor Winding Farma For Coil Winding.

Friends, the second thing that you get with the coil winding machine is a Four Layer Motor Winding Farma. With the help of this motor winding farma, you can make coils of any single phase and three phase motor which should be set winding ones. Along with this, you can make coils of water motor, exhaust fan coils, 0.5 HP motor coils, washing machine coils with the help of this motor Farma.

Motor Winding Farma For Coil Winding.Pin

दोस्तों जो दूसरी चीज आपको कवाल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ मिलती है वह होता है चार लेयर वाला  मोटर वाइंडिंग फरमा इस मोटर वाइंडिंग फार्मा की मदद से आप किसी भी सिंगल फेस और थ्री फेस मोटर के कवाल बना सकते हैं जो के सेट वाइंडिंग वाले होने चाहिए, इसके साथ-साथ आप पानी वाली मोटर की कवाल, एग्जॉस्ट फैन के कवाल, 0.5 एचपी मोटर के कवाल, वाशिंग मशीन के कवाल इस मोटर फार्मा की मदद से बना सकते हो.


#3 Counter Meter Gear Set For Winding Machine:-

दोस्तों कोयल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ जो तीसरी चीज आपको दी जाती है वह है काउंटर मीटर गियर सेट, के गियर सेट आपकी कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन को काउंटर मीटर के साथ कनेक्ट करके रखता है जैसे ही आप कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन को घुमाते हैं तो यह काउंटर मीटर को भी घूमता है, कोयल वाइंडिंग मशीन गियर सेट के बिना आपका काउंटर मी काम नहीं करता.

Hand Operated Coil Machine Garari | Coil Machine Counting Meter Garari.coil winding machine accesoriesPin

Friends, the third thing that is given to you with the Coil Winding Machine is the Counter Meter Gear set, the gear set keeps your coil winding machine connected with the counter meter, as soon as you rotate the coil winding machine, it also rotates the counter meter, without the coil winding machine gear set your counter meter does not work.

कवाल वाइंडिंग मशीन गियर सेट में दो गरारी सेट होते हैं एक का सुराग बड़ा होता है और दूसरी गरारी का सुराग छोटा होता है. बड़े सुराख़ वाला गियर सेट कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन में लगता है और छोटे सुराग वाला गियर सेट काउंटर मीटर में लगता है.

There are two gear sets in coil winding machine gear set, one gear set has big hole and the other gear set has small hole. The gear set with big hole is used in coil winding machine and the gear set with small hole is used in counter meter.

#4 Counter Meter T Patti :-

दोस्तों कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ आपके काउंटर मीटर  T Patti  भी दी जाती है यह काउंटर मी T Patti  कोयल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ काउंटर मीटर को कनेक्ट करके रखती है काउंटर मीटर के बिना  वाइंडिंग मशीन और  काउंटर मीटर  दोनों ही अधूरे हैं.

#4 Counter Meter T Patti :-Pin

Friends, along with the coil winding machine, you are also given a Counter Meter T Patti. This counter meter T Patti connects the counter meter with the coil winding machine. Without the counter meter, both the winding machine and the counter meter are incomplete.

काउंटर मीटर पत्ती Signatt, Sigva.Sigmaa,Heaven plus सभी कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ कम्पेटिबल है.


#5 Coil Winding Farma Patti:-

Along with the coil winding machine, you are also given a Coil winding Farma Patti  whose length is approximately 10 inches, this motor winding form leaf is made of hard iron which is adjustable, with the help of this coil form leaf, you can make the coils of your motor in big or small sizes.

Coil Winding Farma Patti:-Pin

Coil Winding Farma Patti:-

कोइल वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ आपको एक कोइल वाइंडिंग फरमा पत्ती भी दी जाती है जिसकी लंबाई एप्रोक्सीमेट 10 इंच के आसपास होती है, यह मोटर वाइंडिंग फार्मा पत्ती हार्ड आयरन से बनाई जाती है जो के एडजेस्टेबल होती है इस कोइल फरमा  पत्ती की  मदद से आप अपनी मोटर के  कोइल्स को  बड़े छोटे साइज के बना सकते हैं.

#6  Coil Winding Farma Set:-

कोइल्स  वाइंडिंग मशीन के साथ आपको दो तरह के कोइल्स  वाइंडिंग फरमा  दिए जाते हैं जिसमे एक होता है आपकी मोटर की सेट वाइंडिंग के लिए और जो दूसरा आपके साथ में मोटर वाइंडिंग फरमा  मिलता है उसकी मदद से आप मोटर की चेन वाइंडिंग कर सकते हैं.

Coil Winding Farma Set:-Pin

Coil Winding Farma Set:-

Along with the coils winding machine, you are given two types of coils winding forms, one of which is for set winding of your motor and the other motor winding form which you get with it, with the help of which you can do chain winding of the motor.

मोटर की चेन वाइंडिंग से भाव है की सभी कवाल एक की साइज के होते हैं जैसा कि हमारी कूलर मोटर के कोइल्स , जैसा के हमारी वाशिंग मशीन की स्पिन मोटर के कोइल्स , टेबल फैन के कॉइल्स  यह मोटर वाइंडिंग फरमा  की  लेयर एक ही  साइज का है इस मोटर फरमा  की मदद से आप एक ही साइज के चार कोइल्स  एक ही बार में बना सकते हो और यह  मोटर फरमा  भी अनब्रेकेबल मटेरियल से बना हुआ है.

Chain winding of the motor means that all the coils are of the same size, like the coils of our Cooler Motor Winding, like the coils of our washing machine’s spin motor, coils of table fan, all the layers of this motor winding form are of the same size, with the help of this motor form, you can make four coils of the same size at one time and this motor form is also made of unbreakable material.


Coil Winding Machine के गियर सेट प्लास्टिक के होते जा स्टेनलेस स्टील के ?

दोस्तों Signatt,Sigva,Sigmaa Coil वाइंडिंग मशीन  के गियर प्योर स्टेनलेस स्टील के द्वारा बनाए जाते हैं जो कि आपकी  मशीन को चलाने में एक Smoothness प्रदान करते हैंऔर इस स्टेनलेस स्टील गियर से आपकी मशीन की लाइफ दुगनी हो जाती है.

Sigva Coil Winding MachinePin

Friends, if you want to buy a Manual Coil Winding Machine, then you have come to the right place. Today we will learn in detail about manual coil winding machines and will also know for what purposes a coil winding machine can be used.

This is the Sigva manual coils winding machine which works on 1/10 Round. It means that if you rotate the handle of the coils winding machine once, then from the other side you will get an average of 10 Rounds.

The Sigva Coil Machine is made from very good quality material whose base is made from Die Cast Iron Material and the Gear set of the Sigva Manual Coil Winding Machine is made from Pure Stainless Steel and high-quality stainless steel is used to make it. You will experience this stainless steel when you use this coil winding machine. Sigva Coil Machine rotates very smoothly and this will be a very good experience for you.

A manual coil winding machine is a device operated by hand to wind wire into coils. It’s great for small projects and provides excellent control over the winding process.

What coils can you make with the Sigva coil winding machine?

With the help of a manual coils winding machine, you can easily make coils for any domestic motor up to 10 hp three phase motor such as

  • Cooler motor coils
  • Washing machine motor coils
  • Exhaust fan motor coils
  • Table fan motor coils
  • High-speed motor coils
  • Wall fan motor coils
  • Coils of 0.5 hp water pump motor
  • Coils of single-phase motor
  • High-Speed ​​Ceiling Fan Coils
  • Mixer grinder coils
  • Coils of 2 hp motor
  • Coils of three-phase motor
  • 18-inch Exhaust fan motor coils

Sigva Coil Winding Machine Accessories

Friends, now we know that if we want to buy a Sigva Coil Winding Machine, then what accessories will we get with this Coil Winding Machine?

  1. Sigva 1/10 Coil Winding machine
  2. Counter Meter
  3. 10 Inch Motor Winding Farma Patti
  4. Counter Meter T-Patti
  5. 2 Set Motor Winding Farma ( Your Choice )
  6. Coil Winding Machine Handle
  7. Fitting Screw
  8. Counter Meter Gear Set.

A Coil winding machine with a counter meter and “farma patti” (a term possibly referring to a specific type of bobbin or spool used in the winding) is designed to wind wire coils with precise control and measurement.

 Winding Machine Inside Pure Stainless Steel Gears

The counter meter tracks the number of turns of the wire, ensuring accuracy in the winding process. This setup is typically used in industries where precise electromagnetic coils are needed, such as in transformers, motors, and inductors. The “Farma patti” helps in organizing and holding the wire during the winding process.

Sigmaa Coil Winding Machine, 1/10 Motor Coil Winding Machine with Gears, Dies/Farma, Handle and Coil Meter

Sigmaa Coil Winding Machine For All Types Of Fan Motor Winding Coil Making Copper Winding Machine, Motor Coil Winding Machine with Dies/Farma, Handle and Coil Meter. Sigmaa motor coil winding machine made out of cast iron. Durable and hand-operated.

Sigmaa Coil Winding MachinePin

Along with dies and meter. *Colour of the product may vary* Accessories Coil Winding Machine, Handle, Counting Meter, 1 Set Motor Winding Farma, Counting Meter Holding T Patti,1 8 Inch Farma Patti, Nylon Garari Set, Please Note — Outer Garar Set Is Nylon & Coil Machine Inner Gear Set Is Stainless Steel

Sigmaa Coil Winding Machine Features

  1. 1/10 Manual Hand Operated Motor Coil Winding Machine With Analogue Counter Meter
  2. Coil Winding Machine For Ceiling Fan Wall Fan All Types Motor Winding
  3. 1/10 Ratio Means 1 Round of Handle Input Convert into 10 Round Of Output Winding Bar Rotation.
  4. Coil Winding Machine Made From Full Casting Body And All Gears All Made From High-Quality Casting Process.
  5. Coil Winding Machine Can Work Smooth and Fast Winding Process Due To Updated Gears System
  6. Best For Fan Winding Machine
  7. Comes With 7 Pc Of Accessories
  8. Outer Garar Set Is Nylon & Coil Machine Inner Gear Set Is Stainless Steel
  9. Sigmaa Coil Winding Machine Fitted Inside Pure Stainless Steel Gears

SigNatt Coil Winding Machine, 1/10 Motor Coil Winding Machine with Steel Gears, Dies/Farma, Handle and Coil Meter

A SigNatt Coil Winding Machine is a specialized device used in the manufacturing process of electrical coils, such as those found in transformers, inductors, and motors. Here are some key aspects and features typically associated with such machines:

Signatt Coil Winding Machine Fitted With Pure Stainless Steel Gears.

SigNatt Coil Winding MachinePin

SigNatt Coil Winding Machine Key Features:

  1. Precision Winding:
    • Ensures accurate and uniform winding of wire to meet specific electrical and mechanical specifications.
  2. Programmability:
    • Equipped with software or controls that allow operators to set parameters such as the number of turns, wire tension, winding speed, and layering patterns.
  3. Multiple Wire Handling:
    • Can handle different wire gauges and materials, providing versatility for various applications.
  4. Speed and Efficiency:
    • Designed for high-speed operation to increase production efficiency while maintaining quality.
  5. Automatic Tension Control:
    • Maintains consistent wire tension throughout the winding process to prevent wire breakage and ensure uniform coils.
  6. Safety Features:
    • Includes safety mechanisms to protect operators and ensure safe operation, such as emergency stop buttons and protective guards.
  7. User Interface:
    • Often features an intuitive user interface, such as a touchscreen or computer control, for easy setup and operation.


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Reviews (10)
10 reviews

10 reviews for Manual Coil Winding Machine | Sigva | Sigmaa | SigNatt with Accessories

Clear filters

    Good coil winding machine under 3k budget.
    Design is sleek.
    Have all the winding modes
    Less noise
    Performance is good

  2. Tumkur VIJAY H N

    Great product and delivery is very fast

  3. Bijan kumar Meher

    Bhut asha machine hai smooth bhut chalta hai

  4. Cheria Banglore

    Nice coil Winding Machine

  5. japeshwar Sarthi

    Best in market

  6. hari bab

    Value for money. 3000rs definately good buy go for it

  7. Ch Naveen Kumar

    I am from Hyderabad Nice Coil Winding Machine easy to connetion and best prise cheaf and best product thank you so easy to fitting

  8. manoj kumar

    Writing review after uses of 36 Days. One of the best Automatic washing machine.
    It is truly delightful to have this product.counter meter is including delivery is fast.Thanks


    The Coil Winding Machine are very wide and long getting working fine accurate recommended to buy

  10. Laddy Nijjar

    “Excellent coil winding machine! Highly recommend.”

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